Bluetooth® 5 : An Advancement in bluetooth technology

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Bluetooth® 5 : An Advancement in Bluetooth technology

when Bluetooth is arrive in the market it loved by the all users. As per technology advancement WiFi, infrared,USB transfer etc are the best alternative. Here best used only for speed parameter.However users prefer that in all options but Bluetooth has its on places. Even developers agree with that because of low battery consumption in Bluetooth connection, hassle free connection and easy interface for transfer our data.

That’s the reason why every phone in general enabled with this technology. So here we are taking you to the new advancement in Bluetooth Technology.

Bluetooth® 5: Quadruples Range, Doubles Speed, Increases Data Broadcasting Capacity by 800% 

Bluetooth® 5 : An Advancement in bluetooth technology

These are the broad advancement in Bluetooth lets discuss this one by one.

“New version of Bluetooth technology delivers “connection less” IoT, advancing beacon and location-based capabilities in home, enterprise and industrial.”

Bluetooth 5 will transform the way people experience the IoT by making it something that happens simply and seamlessly around them,” said Mark Powell, executive director of the Bluetooth SIG. “Increasing operation range will enable connections to IoT devices that extend far beyond the walls of a typical home, while increasing speed supports faster data transfers and software updates for devices. And now with the ability to broadcast a much richer set of information, Bluetooth 5 will make beacons, location awareness, and other connection less services an even more relevant part of an effortless and seamless IoT experience”.

What’s for us then in it? the official want to say that in cutting edge technology environment they bring us to the latest Bluetooth advancement with faster connection, Iot support and much data to transfer with this advancement.

Mr.Powell said “Today, there are 8.2 billion Bluetooth products in use, and the enhancements in Bluetooth 5 and planned future Bluetooth technical advancements mean that Bluetooth will be in more than one-third of all installed IoT devices by 2020. The drive and innovation of Bluetooth will ensure our technology continues to be the IoT solution of choice for all developers. ”  

So you can see the Bluetooth official are very serious about ita advancement. In a couple of months you can here the update from them and later you can use this technology much familiar way than we use WiFi etc.

As its say Old is Gold Bluetooth® 5 : An Advancement in Bluetooth technology can boost the Iot devices to making for everyone reach.

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