WhatsApp Privacy New Features

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WhatsApp introduces new privacy features this month. Now WhatsApp supports Leave Group Sliently, Online Visibility, ScreenShot Blocking for Viewed Once Message. Popular chat app always in news with it’s privacy updates. The Smart Innovator previously covered WhatsApp : Controversial Privacy Policy Explained story related to privacy update.

WhatsApp Privacy New Features By The Smart Innovator

Leave group silently

This app now offering leaving group chats without notifying the whole group. Only admins of the group will be notified. This feature will give users the freedom of privacy within the group chat.

Today, we’re introducing new privacy features that provide interlocking layers of protection and give you more control over your messages on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp official announcement
WhatsApp Privacy
📸: WhatsApp official announcement

WhatsApp Privacy New Feature Online Visibility

As we know this app provides “Last seen” feature to it’s users, similarly online visibility will be added now. We can set our last seen as Everyone, My Contacts and with some excluded contacts. It also offers Nobody options for complete hiding last seen. Similarly now we will have Everybody and Similar to Last seen option for Online visibility.

WhatsApp Privacy
📸: WhatsApp official announcement

ScreenShot Blocking for Viewed Once Message

This app now offering Screenshot blocking for View Once messages. As Viewed once messages seen for one time only, now we can add over the top feature of screenshot blocking. This will prevent sensitive conversation leakage.

WhatsApp Privacy
📸: WhatsApp official announcement

This app Provides end to end encryption for text and backup of chats. So these privacy features are the next milestone for the safe standard. This provides more facility in terms of freedom to use the app.

WhatsApp Privacy New Features Verdict

WhatsApp Privacy

So theses are the privacy features for WhatsApp that gives users more control over their privacy. Theses features set to release this month’s release. The Smart Innovator always up to date you with such exciting updates in Tech World. Tell us in the comments section if you find this story useful or have any questions. Follow us on all social network like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Medium and LinkedIn.


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