Fake News,Fake My World

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Fake News,Fake My World

Fake News,Fake My World

If you updated on social media, reading leading newspaper or even a regional newspaper you must heard a term called “Fake-News“. It is most commonly knows as misleading any information that the source is not confirmed or it just spread as a result of paid media. Fake News, Fake My World is also a special edition of The Smart Innovator- Innovation for people, in this segment we want to show you how a fake news comes to the picture of journalism.

Fake News,Fake My World

So here we used the term Journalism, then tell me what do you think a journalist job. Exactly to find the sensational news to its newspaper source and spread it to the media. Now when we talk it about just earlier we see a quality of content in news sections. Even we support that segment because it has its own share of importance, the prime time or a fixed schedule of news in which journalist collects all the news it edited and present to you in a proper way.

Now when you have 24*7*365 a news channel what you suppose to think they deliver a quality, they tried their best, I agree, but quality over a quantity is always becoming a puzzle. Now the sensational part is come we have our motive to do any profitable work, Now you can name it Dirty politics, revenge or a paid campaign, they all deliver a news that has sound base but in actual it has no point it just create a chaos of breaking news or more specifically the topic of prime times.

Now who is responsible, why this fake news spread so rapidly why even I believe in it? All the question after a thoughtful breath comes to only one point It delivers what readers, viewers want to read or view. Now neither the news studios nor the people responsible for that, the real culprit is how we proceed the raw data. Currently how many of news in 24*7*365 are reasonably processed well, I don’t think many and I have reasoned about it and it is crystal clear It is a flood of news are very difficult to handle even hard to processed and more specifically difficult to recheck its background.

You can see below even US President Mr. Trump mentioned many times on Fake News.

Donald J. Trump


The Fake News Media hates when I use what has turned out to be my very powerful Social Media – over 100 million people! I can go around them

Jun. 16, 2017, 8:23 a.m.

Fake News works very well in the news studio, people loved it because there should be a topic of gossip and we are most often used to social media so the news spread of this are most probably the first target of fake news. In this Technological era where we close the distance, spread the messages instantly this fake news problem rapidly destroy the culture, economy and the strength of any nation.

So in this segment Smart Innovator- New Leader in Tech wants you to be aware of this Fake News, Fake My World problem that a trustworthy News Studio, papers are facing, in this war we have our own responsibility to recheck the authenticity of the news and then perform the next action.


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